1. Overview
machine which can move on its wheels to all direction and can pick an object,
lift and place it back based on the instruction from an Android smart phone. The application developed and installed in the
Android smart phone will be able to communicate with the Motorobo hardware
through blue tooth.
This thought was evolved when we were
discussing the possibilities of mobile-software and hardware integration which
is having various possibilities in daily life, and we decided to proceed to a
working model.
There are few challenges especially in
the mechanical and electronic-circuits part, but after many trials and we were
able to succeed.
Architecture of the solution.
gestures are provided on a mobile, which sends commands to the MotoRobo.
2. Hi-level architecture of “MotoRobo”
This is an own designed and developed machine
which is controlled by gestures from a mobile. This is powered by a 12 V DC
Battery of 1.2 Ah.
Components Used
Electronics Component used
1. L293D, Motor drivi/ng IC.
2. Blue tooth receiver.
3. 12DC, 1.2 Ah rechargeable Batteries.
4. 6-0-6, 1Amp, 220V transformer
and two diodes.
5. Two 12V- DC motors with pulley
6. Two servo motors and its
Mechanical Component used.
1. Apart from a “metal frame” and “wheels”,
all the other required parts are handmade.
2. We used tin-sheet, aluminum
sheet, screws, and plastic as raw materials.
Development Environments.
4.1 Android-development
We developed an android
application (.apk) which can pair with a blue tooth modem, and can send
“serial” messages as strings. This mobile app will capture the mobile gestures
and convert them to the commands and will send it to the blue- tooth modem which
is in the “MotoRobo”.
4.2 Arduino-program-development
Developed an “Arduino” program
and flashed to the “Arduino” board to read the serial text from a serial “pin”
of “Arduino”. This program will read it and will split the strings to the
characters to process. For the easier communication we maintained a string
format which is having fixed length. Once received this program will process
the string characters and will send programmed signals to the “out-put” pins.
Arduino board does not have the capability to drive a heavy electronics device
like DC which need high current flow. So we used a motor driving IC, L293D.
The speeds of DC motors are controlled with the help of L293D-IC and it is based on pulse width modulation (PWM).
controlled using rear-wheels.
->To turn to Left, slow down Left wheel, reduce duty cycle for left wheel
turn to Right, slow down Right wheel, reduce duty cycle for right wheel
4.3 Electronics development
circuits are done with the help of a common-PCB, and soldering. The electric
system system which is controlled by arduino will energize the motors.
4.4 Mechanical development
a “three wheeler” with two driving DC motors at the back side and a single
“ball” wheel at the front end. We bought a general tin frame, wheels and
required electronics components. Arranged wheels and battery in the frame.
2. Designed a mechanical “arm”
with tin and “aluminum”, which can pick up to 70gms to100gms of weight and lift.
An elliptical shaped plastic arrangement connected to a servo motor will rotate
to get the “arm” grip open.
Closed grip.
Opened grip,
MotoRobo Control Modes
a. Mobile Gesture based Control
can control the MotoRobo using paired Android phone. For direction control,
user can use phone like a steering. To bring the arm down, move the phone down.
For Grip open/close is done by pinch zoom gesture.
b. Pre-programed movements.
Apart from “live” control, this
machine can work based on the pre-recorded movements. The movements can be
programmed using a simple “template” and can execute, so that the machine will
start from the first step to the last as a series of movements.
c. Voice control.
As an additional feature, we
have included the feature of “voice-command” to control the machine. This is
achieved with the help of google services.
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